Weekend Happenings

I can't believe it's the end of the week already. Here are some of the things going around Orlando this weekend. Click on the titles to find out specific information on each event:
1. Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival Through May 20th. Make sure to check out the pop-up playgrounds around the park.
2. Celebration Spring Art Fest Saturday and Sunday 10AM - 5PM. Paintings, sculptures, photography and jewelry featured along the streets of downtown Celebration.
3. 3rd Annual Hannibal Square Folk Art and Craft Festival Saturday 10AM - 4PM, at the Hannibal Square Heritage Center in Winter Park. There will be a free children’s folk art painting workshop. Music by The Porch Dogs, and Orisirisi African Folklore (drumming and storytelling.)
4. Bob the Builder exhibit is still up at the Orlando Science Center.
5. Storytime Adventures with Frances Keiser and Jane R. Wood Sunday 12:30PM - 2PM, at the Orange County Regional History Center.
6. Currents in Contemporary Art Through June 30th, at the Orlando Museum of Art. Owen says he wants to be an artist, so I think a trip to the museum from time to time would be in order. The main thing attracting me to this exhibit is the image of Robert Rauschenberg's piece shown on the museum's website. I love his artwork, and I'm assuming them showing it as the main piece on the page promoting this exhibit means it's there. (Even though his name is not mentioned among the artist represented) We will see.
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