Ice Cream Birthday

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Owen's 5th birthday. We did an ice cream themed party, and I believe it was the most fun birthday party we have thrown so far.
I started by doing this ice cream birthday invitation inspired by ice cream packaging.
I found a lot of great ideas for the party on Pinterest. Like the very easy to make cone cupcakes. Owen was even able to help decorate them. I also found some neat details online. I purchased these ice cream cups on Amazon, and these awesome ice cream wooden spoons on Etsy.
Our friend Adam made the awesome custom screen printed banner for the party.
As the kids came in, they each got an apron and a label to write down their name and favorite ice cream flavor. I bought some of the aprons here and some at our local Joann.
Another inspiring thing I saw on Pinterest was a party where they had laid canvases across the fence. So, we got some wood panels from Lowes and used rolled drawing paper sold at Ikea. My husband Will drew ice cream cones on all of them, that the kids got to paint. At the end of the party all of them got to take their artwork and apron home.
I got a lot of compliments on both the invite and the party. I know that everyone had a blast, and, surprisingly the house wasn't as covered in ice cream and paint as everyone thought it would be!
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