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My little Karate Kid

Even though it's actually Taekwondo, not Karate... Nevertheless, it's something Owen's been doing for a bit now and that he absolutely loves. And so do I. He doesn't only get some exercise, but he has become a lot more confident. He learns the tenets of Taekwondo – courtesy, integrity, perseverance, etc. It's so cute to watch this group of 5 year olds say their tenets, and what each of them mean. Not to mention, do their complicated patterns, and that jump kick! Mr. Perry, his instructor, and his son (also Mr. Perry) keep the class fun too, so I have to admit, it's pretty entertaining for us parents (and little 1 year old siblings) to watch.

I saw these coupons at class the other day, so I thought I would share. It's a really good deal if you want to give this class a shot. Oh, and Mr. Perry will also allow new students to come in and try out the class for free one time. That way you can make sure your kid is into it before signing him/her up.

More info on Todd Perry Taekwondo Academy here 

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