Orlando Science Center

If you haven't taken your kids to the Orlando Science Center yet, I highly recommend you do. I have yet to hear of any child not liking this place. It opens at 10 a.m. and, with our determination to always avoid crowds, that's usually when we get there. Here are some of O's favorites:
1. Kid's Town (Level 1): Playing with boats, kitchen area, and picking oranges.
2. Science Park (Level 2): The favorite activity here is the race car ramp. (Even though he can't reach yet and I have to pick him up to participate)
3. All Aboard (Level 2): He loves this whole area!
4. DinoDigs (Level 4): Not into the giant dinosaurs so much, but he does enjoy digging for bones in the sand boxes.
They also have fish, turtles, alligators, and the likes on Level 1. And, if hunger strikes there's a Subway also on Level 1 for a quick fix.
The temporary exhibits are worth checking out too. The last one we saw was Curious George and it was really great.
Tip: Parking is $5, and admission isn't cheap. However, if you become a member after you spend a day there, what you paid for parking and admission will be taken off of the membership price.