Summer Craze

I didn't sign Owen up for enough camps this summer, and yes, it's been crazy around here. I did it on purpose, so I could take him out and spend more time with him. The thing is that him and baby Kellan require LOTS of attention. I just can't even hear my thoughts when they're both around. Performing even the simplest task becomes a challenge when you're being told in great detail what the spaceships are doing, or when R2 tells you the story and Owen translates. My child takes no brakes when it comes to talkig. So, what's been helping me stay sane, and kind of on track with the basics? This little app called TeuxDeux and some chia seeds. TeuxDeux is just a to do list on your iPhone that syncs to an app on your browser. It's super simple, well designed, and tapping the item to scratch it off the list just feels good! Chia seeds are something eaten by the Aztecs for strength. May be psychological, but I do feel like I have more energy when I don't forget to add them to my morning oatmeal.