Book of School Projects

My husband's an artist, so a couple of years ago I decided to put together a little book with pictures of his artwork. Our three year old saw it a few months ago and said "Where's mine?" Hmmm... that's right you're a little artist too. Throughout the year he had been bringing home lots of projects from school. They would hang on the fridge until the next pieces would come in. The older pieces would move to a pile in the cabinet. He's only 3, and he was bringing at least one piece a day. We have years of this ahead of us. I can't possibly keep every piece of paper he touches so I decided to take his advise and do a book for him. I scanned some pieces and took pictures of others. I kept the format simple, white background in all pages, showing one piece per page. The beginning of the book shows a picture of him at school and some of his classmates with their names. At the end I have his graduation picture with his teachers and a scan of the ribbon given to him that day.
The book was printed by Blurb, a service anyone can use. It turned out great and came pretty quick. I decided on the square format with the image wrap hardcover. It took a few hours to do all that scanning and photographs but now I have a neat archive of his artwork for the year. (I'm thinking I'll still hang on to a few originals though :))

Here are some additional pages of the book for those of you that wanted to see more. The page with the green background is the one where I left blank space. I cut out some original handprints, and glued them in there.
There are a few call outs in the book like "Valentine's Day," etc. I kept them simple, since it's all about his work, not mine.
I love to see the interest in the book. If you have a comment or question please go ahead and leave it here. Thanks!