
So I haven't been doing much lately, which explains the lack of posts. A few weeks ago, the baby in my belly started thinking he was big enough and wanted to come out and play. Well, the doctor didn't agree and that's how I ended up on bedrest. I was only 33 weeks, the longer I can keep him in there, the better for him. 37 weeks seems to be the "safe" number. The doctor is actually hoping I make it to 39 weeks, since that's when my c-section is scheduled for. We will see...
This whole thing was kind of unexpected. With my first kid I ended up having to be induced at 42 weeks. So, very different. My life is very different now though. Maybe carrying my sleeping 3 year old up the stairs (35lbs) didn't help. Well, there's nothing I can do now, except for lay/sit on my bottom and overdose on episodes of Parenthood on Netflix. I'm so thankful for my mom, husband, son, and friends, that have been helping out during this. I'm also thankful for my iPad, that has been helping me stay sane.
* The image above: My son came in my room the other day, grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, and drew this. He said "He's sad. Because he's stuck in the house and he can't get out" #bedrest