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Entries in Winter Park (3)


Improv Picnic

How awesome was the weather this weekend? I hope everyone got to enjoy it. We had a lot of fun — the egg hunts, egg decorating, a birthday party, and finally our little improv picnic Sunday afternoon. It's been really hot the past couple of weeks, so the nice weather couldn't keep us inside this weekend. After we were done with our Easter fun, we decided to go to Park Avenue, grab lunch at Panera, and eat at the the park. Baby Kellan happily snoozed in his carrier the whole time. Owen enjoyed the passing of the train, the airplanes flying by, and the houses under those big funky trees (the one at the end of the park, if you're walking towards Fairbanks, is bigger and better). Before we left, Will and Owen walked over to Kilwin's and brought some delicious ice cream back to our spot. Sooo good!


Winter Park Art Festival 2012

I'm glad we had a chance to go to the Winter Park Art Festival this year. The Children's Workshop Village was a lot of fun. I would love to have some of those big wooden easels in our backyard...


A fine lunch

Even though I don't find Winter Park restaurants overly kid friendly (I know I'm generalizing), I still like the atmosphere around there, so I visit the area from time to time. Last week we grabbed the 2 boys, and went to Hillstone Restaurant (former Houston) for lunch. We grabbed a table outside (a must if the weather is nice) and enjoyed fancy burgers and a great view. I just love the back area at Hillstone – the lake, and the trees. After we were done with our meal we 'explored' the outdoors with Owen as the lead. We ended up at their little herb garden, where for some reason we were on a mission to find basil.